Adult Small Group Bible Study

Fall 2023

The Scriptures are the greatest treasure that a person can possess. They are the only source of inspired, inerrant, and infallible revelation regarding God, His will, and His works––especially His work of redemption through Jesus Christ. The Christian cannot hold too high a view of the Bible or exalt it beyond what it deserves. For these reasons and many others, the Christian should consider the study of the Scriptures to be his or her primary and lifelong task. Studying the Holy Scriptures helps the reader examine the importance of doctrine as well as the trustworthiness, history, purpose, and power of the Bible––the inspired Word of God.

More about the Study:

To Purchase A Workbook:

You can pay online (click on image or go to and pickup at small group or simply pay at small group. Each Workbook is $10 each if bought through the church or they are available through Amazon