Adult Small Group Study

“Living with the True God: Lessons from Judges”

Join Us Sunday Nights 7:30-9pm

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More about the study:

            Living with the True God: Lessons from Judges

Israel’s embrace of idolatry has invoked divine discipline.  God has revived old enemies.  The place of Israel’s past victories has become the present headquarters or their oppressors.  For the first time, we see the enemy taking back land God gave to Israel in the days of Joshua.  This spiritual decline is even manifested in the compromised and confused choices of Israel’s judges.  Is there any real hope?


Two thousand years ago when the world gathered in Jerusalem for Pentecost and witnessed the astonishing effects of the ascension of Jesus Christ, a simple but profound question was raised: “What does this mean?” (Acts 2:12)

In a sense, that question is appropriate for everyone who is confronted with the activity of the living God.  When we read the pages of the Bible and Church history, we feel the same question rising within us: “What does this mean?”. Living with the ‘True God: Lessons from Judges’ is meant to help us answer that question in a way that glorifies God and Transforms us.

In Judges we repeatedly find the people of God adrift. The alarming nature of their sin is highlighted by the contrasting mercies of God.  The cycle of sin, judgment, and restoration occurs throughout. Here in Judges the real nature of idolatry is exposed, and the incredibly destructive impact of generational sin is painted before our eyes. Here we see the madness of sin when God’s people live as if there is no king higher than themselves. Here is the shocking portrait of what religion looks like when well-meaning people do “what is right in their own eyes” (Judges 21:25)

There is much in the book of Judges that the Modern Church cannot afford to misunderstand, misapply, or miss altogether. As much as any other book in the Bible, this one displays the covenant-keeping faithfulness of God even when His people return to their old ways.  God is preserving His people even while He hands them over to their enemies. God is also keeping His covenant as He mercifully rescues them when the cry of agony rises from their hearts.

This is our God!

This is the one person who is always faithful to His promises!

This is life with the true God!